Hasil Konferensi Nasional Partai Hijau Australia, Resolusi Tentang West Papua

Partai Hijau Australia mengesahkan resolusi tentang West Papua di konferensi nasional mereka di Brisbane pada 20 Mei 2018, sebagai berikut:

Bahwa Konferensi Nasional:

- Menegaskan kembali komitmen kami untuk penentuan nasib sendiri orang West Papua;
- Mengakui United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) sebagai perwakilan dari aspirasi politik orang West Papua;
- Mendukung West Papua untuk didaftarkan kembali di daftar Dekolonisasi PBB di Majelis Umum PBB 2019;
- Meminta penyingkapan penuh atas bantuan dari Australia yang diberikan kepada polisi dan militer Indonesia yang digunakan di West Papua, termasuk Joint Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation, Detasemen Khusus 88, dan TNI;
- Meminta pemerintah Indonesia untuk menghormati hak asasi manusia orang West Papua, termasuk kemerdekaan pers dan kemerdekaan berekspresi;
- Meminta supaya akses jurnalis asing ke West Papua dibuka.

sebagai hasil dari lokakarya/presentasi yang diadakan pada Konferensi Nasional, anggota Partai Hijau Australia yang telah disetujui secara konsensus untuk mengesahkan resolusi mendesak tentang West Papua.
Pembicara di lokakarya/presentasi ini adalah:
- Dr. Jacob Rumbiak (ULMWP)
- Veronica Koman (pengacara HAM Indonesia, anggota dari International Lawyers for West Papua)
- Jason MacLeod (pendidik aktivis, pengorganisir, peneliti)
- Senator Richard di Natale dan Andrew Bartlett

Suatu kehormatan bisa mendengar aktivisme para pembicara untuk West Papua. Sebagai hasil dari lokakarya tersebut, kami meminta Konferensi Nasional untuk mendukung perjuangan orang West Papua untuk hak penentuan nasib sendiri mereka melalui cara-cara yang sudah disebutkan di atas.


Greens Australia passed resolutions on West Papua during the 2018 National Conference, as below:

That National Conference:

- reaffirms our commitment to self-determination for West Papuan people;
- recognises the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) as the representative voice of the political aspirations of West Papuan People;
- supports West Papua being re-listed on the UN Decolonization list at the 2019 UN General Assembly;
- calls for the full disclosure of Australian aid used in West Papua which is given to the Indonesian police & military, including the Joint Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation, Special Detachment 88, and the TNI;
- calls on the Indonesian government to uphold the human rights of the West Papuan people, including the freedom of the press and the freedom of expression;
- calls for the free access of foreign Journalists to West Papua.

As a result of a workshop/presentation held at National Conference today (Saturday 19 May 2018), Australian Greens members present agreed by consensus to present an urgent resolution on West Papua to conference.

The speakers at the workshop/presentation were:
- Dr Jacob Rumbiak (ULMWP)
- Veronica Koman (Indonesian human rights lawyer, member of International Lawyers for West Papua)
- Jason MacLeod (activist educator, community organiser and community based researcher)
- Senators Ricahrd Di Natale & Andrew Bartlett

It was an honour to hear from the speakers and of their on-going activism for West Papua. As a result of this workshop, we urgently ask National Conference to support the struggle of the West Papuan people for self-determination through the measures listed above.

Sumber: Veronica

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