Gen. WPRA Mathias Wenda: Let All Beings Sing, Praise the Lord for PCWP Support in Geneva Last Night

In the morning of Thursday, March 2, 10`7, I woke up from my sleep, wandering why this morning, the birds and other beings on the ground, were making a lot and a lot of noise, not as usual. I was also visited by many guests during my sleep: all troops who dies in the fight against Indonesia came, having a big party all night; including my younger brothers the Late Gen. Kelly Kwalik and Brig. Gen. Hans Bomay were there.
I wanted to talk to them, but they all just waved and said, “celebrate, celebrate, celebrate, ….. so many times.”
When I reconnect back to the morning dancing and singing I was having in the West Papua Revolutionary Army (WPRA) Central Headquarters in the Jungle Of New Guinea this morning, I am then told that “We are also telling you, “celebrate, celebrate, celebrate…”
I did not wait, I went out and sing songs, dancing and singing and dancing for some 30 minutes, until all other troops woke up. Most of them joined into my songs, others were confused. They thought, “How come this old man is now drunk? He is a priest, carries the Bible on the right hand, and his gun on the left hand, but now he is drunk?” They thought “No, he is not drunk”.
I praise you the Lord, Almighty God, for your creation of this New Guinea Island, for the people of Melanesia, for our culture, for wisdom and understanding that you gave us, that make us unique in this planet Earth, that glorify your own power and presence. Today I praise you the Lord, for what you have done to me and to my struggle to free my people from the colonialism of Indonesia.
You have created us Melanesians and given us our places, starting from Raja Ampat of West Papua to Fiji, from Biak and Manus Islands to New Caledonia, this is what we humans ended up calling ourselves as Melanesian peoples, the peoples of the Black Archipelago, to pair with the Black Continent of Africa.
This morning I have a vision, that singing and dancing is the key towards victory, and together with the spirits of those who have died during this struggle, I now wake up, stand up, dance and sing, to praise you alone.
I pray that God bless West Papua governor, my Son Lukas Enembe, PNG Prime Minister my Son Peter O’Neill, Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare Vanuatu Prime Minister Mr. Charlot Salwai, Kanak LeaderVictor Tutugoro, Fiji Prime Minister Josaia Voreqe (Frank) Bainimarama so that they stand up united, strong and one voice, for the sake of their own Melanesian Identity and Integrity, for the sake of our unity and sovereignty, as we all came out from one father, and one mother, our father is Melanesia, our mother is Melanesia.
After praying all these, Gen. Wenda quickly went to lay down and slept for about 30 minutes, then he asked one of his staff to go to connect to the Internet and read if there is anything coming out.
He then realised, that just a few hours before his dancing and praying, Seven Pacific Leaders were speaking at the UN Human Rights Commission Meeting in Geneva, on behalf of the Pacific Coalition on West Papua (PCWP).
He then asked all his staff members to clap their hands, and again praise the Lord. He then bowed his head down to the Earth, and said,

Let All Beings Sing, Praise the Lord for PCWP Support in Geneva Last Night

Source: Papuapost

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