West Papua Protests close Indonesian Consulate in Melbourne

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Media Release 13.00 11 January 2017
Indonesian Consulate General Queens Rd Melbourne

West Papua Protests close Indonesian Consulate in Melbourne
At 10 am this morning West Papuan community members and supporters gathered at the gates of the Indonesian Consulate in Queens Rd Melbourne to protest ongoing human rights atrocities in the disputed territory.

Thirty protesters draped flags and banners across the front entrance to the Consulate as police struggled to prevent people from 'locking on' to the gates.

United Liberation Movement for West Papua ULMP Executive living in exile, Jakob Rumbiak, attended the rally and issued a statement calling on Indonesia to respect its own founding principles, Panca Sila, and to enter into dialogue with West Papuan independence activists.

One female protester was carried away from the gates by police, but was not arrested.
One activist dressed in Australian combat trousers and traditional West Papuan head dress was arrested as he lay covered in mock blood on the ground before the West Papuan flag.
The arrested person was one of forty three West Papuans to arrive in Cape York by canoe on January 17 2007.

The indigenous West Papuan was the only person arrested at the protest.
Legal counsel for the protest group were informed by Victoria Police that Australia is 'under pressure' to arrest protesters due to Indonesian anger over West Papuan independence movement activities.
Ricky Rumbiak, West Papuan activist at today's protest, said

“Indonesia needs to respect Australian sovereignty, just as they need to respect West Papuan sovereignty. As the indigenous peoples of West Papua we are entitled to self-determination, to peace, health and safety in our own land. We are here today to demand the immediate withdrawal of Indonesian troops from West Papua and a transition to a genuine, peaceful democracy.”
Media contact:

Ronny Kareni 0401 222 177
Jacob Rumbiak 0497867070

See video link: Video 1  | Video 2

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